"Sorry I haven't been writing!" - Welcome to Virgins On Fire

Hey Virgins,

They say I should blog.

"They" meaning whoever organizes the internet.

Blogs are supposed to drive SEO-thirsty traffic, build engagement, and long-term retention, and employ whoever created these trappings.

It's also a place where you get to say "Hey, sorry I haven't been writing!" as if I'm the center of your world and you've been wondering where I've been.

I went back and forth on this. The world doesn't need more content. It needs better content. And there's just too many g-damn things to do as a business owner. Do I really need to be doing this, too!?

But maybe I'll have something to offer as a small business owner who's okay with letting you look behind the curtain, under the hood, behind the scenes, razzle dazzle, zizzle zazzle.

Maybe you'll send large tips and fulfill my Amazon Wish List while demanding nothing in return!

Maybe you'll invite me on your podcast!

Maybe I'll get a book deal and think back to this silly moment where I didn't think anything would happen and make the doubts I overcame the subject of the text on the dust jacket!

Maybe I'll destroy my internet reputation making it impossible to navigate a polite society!

Maybe you'll do a new made-up dance, with a two-step and a cha-cha!

Let's see!
